Monday, May 4, 2009


Well, just to follow up on the Comcast installation.

Comcast sent out a technician to my house on Friday; he had to fix/rework everything the contractor had done. He was there for 5 1/2 hours, had to run all new coax cable, install a new signal booster, personall;y went through the channels to make certain everything was there, even got us three months free movie channel access from Comcast, because of the bad installation, and then all was right with the world. Everyone at home is happy and I don't have to field any more complaints.

The moral of the story is to request [read demand] a Comcast technician, because they're employees, the contractor I had couldn't care less that service wasn't working, he just gets paid for showing up. And the tech was a gentleman, he didn't ask me whose bedroom was whose [that still creeps me out when I think about it].

Kudos to the Comcast guy, he was fabulous!!! Even put little booties on over his shoes so my carpets stayed clean.


1 comment:

  1. and the picture is great! I laughed last night at you saying mom could watch antique roadshow on a different channel all night...
