Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Contaminated again!

Well, I’m just getting over a second cold in three weeks! Unbelievable! Here I am a veritable germ-a-phobe, one who washes their hands to the point of having them become chapped and bleeding, contaminated with someone else's disease. AGH! How can something like this happen to a squeaky clean person like me?!

Hmmm, there are only two groups of people that I could possibly blame. It’s either the engineers at work, some of whom tend to be slobs, or the sweet old nuns in my church. Which do I entertain in my mind as the culprit? Is it the hugs and kisses showered on me after the church services are over, or the coughing and spewing of infectious germs by some of the engineering enigmas who don't believe that cleanliness is next to godliness? That’s tough, but I think I’ll pick the vicar’s virus. There’s a lot of hugging and kissing going on Sunday afternoons, and I’ve noticed that the sniffles don’t hold any of those tiny old ladies back from showing their affection.

Sigh, now all that remains is a sinus infection. I should go to the doctor , but I’m too cheap, I don’t want to spend the $95 office visit fee to have a doctor write a prescription for an antibiotic. Instead I’m spraying my nostrils with saline and today I tried homeopathic remedy of a few drops of “oil of oregano”. I made this delicious beef, barley and vegetable soup the other night, and today I brought some in for lunch. So I thought it might not be a bad idea to put three little drops of the oil into the heated soup. I figured it would be a nice touch and who knows, maybe it would prove to be the natural antibiotic that its touted to be.

Well, am I ever glad I didn’t put those drops under my tongue as the directions recommended, it was so strong I couldn’t tell the difference between a carrot and a piece of beef! The little dropper should have been my first clue that it was potent stuff, LOL! But here it is a few hours later and the whole sinus thing seems to have abated considerably. I’ll have to take the bottle home and drop a few drops on my dinner, although I’m hoping we’re having Italian, I can’t imagine this on my mom’s wonderful meatloaf! Perish the thought!


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