Sunday, June 21, 2009

To the best!

Being that today is Father’s day I thought it appropriate that I pay tribute to my father. It is actually quite poignant for me, because dad died this past January and quite honestly his being gone has created a large gap in my life. He is sorely missed.

My father was a quiet, talented man, he built houses for a living. He created a home with my mother for fifty-five years, he was the father of five children and we all loved dad very much. Dad was human, he made mistakes, but the love he had for us transcended all of his foibles and flaws.

My father was a tall and handsome man [better looking than any man of his day], he carried himself proudly and yet he was unobtrusive and humble. He was very kind and in all of my years he never raised his voice at me or laid a hand on me. He told me every day of my life that he loved me; that alone was probably one of the most determining factors for the way “I turned out”.

Having become an artist at an early age, I can remember the first outdoor art show I entered, dad was my biggest fan, he built free standing walls out of peg board, then loaded up his brown van with the walls, my artwork and me, and we drove to the site to set it all up. Although I didn’t win anything he was so proud of me, and I was glad.

As dad got older, he started reading a lot and verbalized his ideas, thoughts and feelings to me. I not only loved him for being my father, but also because our relationship grew as I gained an insight into his thoughts and points of view. I’m fortunate that not only was this man my father, but he had become my dear friend as well. My parents have been the second greatest gift that God has blessed my life with; the first is the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for me when He died on the cross at Calvary to redeem me from the pit of Hell [there is no greater gift than this]. I thank almighty God for enriching my life with my father [Thank you Heavenly Father!]. I hope I prove to be as generous, kind-hearted and discerning as my father was.

I love you dad, thank you for everything.


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