Friday, June 19, 2009

Hosta websites for budding hostaholics

After I'd been bitten by the hosta love bug I tried to find places to purchse them and believe it or not I found a lot of them on Ebay [when Ebay was a fun place to longer!!].

It all started with a lowly leaf show at the local arboretum, I loved what I saw so much that I joined the hosta society that was hosting the show. I also started looking on the web to see what was available and found the most fabulous site, it's called the Hosta Library. The URL is and I recommend that you take a look there. There are fabulous pictures of literally thousands of different hostas. Also, on the home page of the Hoats Library you'll see "links", there are a lot of good resources there, check them out.

Other places that were quite helpful to me were the different garden forums. My favorite is Hallson's Gardens. They have a garden center in Michigan, and also host a terific online forum for a lot of different kinds of plants. The URL to their site is It's easy to sign up and it's free. There isn't a nicer group of people on the web than these folks!

There's also the American Hosta Society, which offers a wide array of information and expertise. It's well worth a look and they love getting new members. Their URL is

Happy hostaing,


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